Monday, March 12, 2012

What Comes After Mission 2

I curse whoever came up with the idea to right novels based on video games. They are scheming people waiting to make money off of unsuspecting fans and fools. I am one of them. You read these novels and can't help but want to play the game! This is what happened to me after reading a book about Dragon Age. I am VEEEERY tempted to drop Deus Ex and skitter off to replay it. Damn you, game developers! I see what you're doing, but it WON'T WORK! I am dedicated to beating Deus Ex no matter what distractions may try to stop me! Press on!

Now that I have that nonsense all taken care of, let us proceed. It has been a little over a week since I last played, and my memory is just a touch hazy. I'll manage. After the neural hub is secured, Jensen gets another mission. Big surprise! This one consists of breaking into a gangs territory and shutting down a satellite. Thanks, FRANCIS! It really is all his fault, cause he's the one who analyzed the neural hub and got our system INFECTED! Now we are COMPLETELY vulnerable, and all you can do is ask Jensen to fix the problem. You owe us BIG time!

This would be YOU, Francis, if weren't a member of Sarif Industries!
Jensen dutifully heads off to the gang's area, and I can't recall their name, but I think it would sound something like the AUG-Destroyers or We Hate Augmented People or Augmentations SUCK! Obviously, Jensen is not welcome in this area, and they will swarm and attack him on sight; killing him on the spot... What a nightmare. Stealth is key in this mission, and this is the first EVER mission that I go through the entire thing without being detected ONCE! Thank you, I know, I'm amazing; extra experience points, please! Thank you. How did you do it, you ask me? Pure skill. My sneaking skills are the best! Enough about me, though, let's see more about this mission.

You didn't see anything! Jensen is a BOSS!
There a multiple LAYERS to this area, and by layers I mean floors, but on the map they look like layers; plus, it makes it sound yummy like cake! Jensen and I find ourselves near the top of these layers, and we have yet to unlock the augmentation that lets us jump down from any height without killing ourselves. Great... *sigh* I guess we'll just have to opt out for the path that involves knocking out a punch of gangster punks. Too bad for them! I love this game. Did I mention Jensen had to punch through a wall? He did, and in the process grabbed a guy by the head and snapped his neck! His partner didn't even know what happened; he just walks over saying "What happened?" Then looks around like an idiot before I take him out from behind! BOOYAH!

Take that, you fool!
I know what this mission is for, and what the game developers were thinking when they made it. Let's give the players some worthless thing to do to develop their skillz. It worked, and little of the plot was developed. All that really happened was Francis being able to figure out where the signal came from, or something like that. Upon taking out the satellite, trusty pilot Malik arrives to take Jensen to the place where it originated, or something like that. THAT is when the story gets rolling!

I'll save it for another time! I've got things to do like prepare for tests and tests and some teaching stuff and stuff and more stuff. It's really exciting, I assure you! Next post will be AMAZING! You won't be able to read fast it enough it gets so exciting. I know I couldn't play the game fast enough cause I'm not even that FAR!



    1. That would be the most amazing experiment in the history of the whole entire universe. People would wonder how the heck my guides are even helpful.
